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Bri Terry's writing desk at Sky Bird with Rocky cutout in background
Sky Bird Logo


June 2018 - July 2021

I worked in Sky Bird's marketing department crafting compelling copy for all materials including campaigns, landing pages, emails, ad copy, social posts, promos, blogs, web banners, and even a couple birthday cards.


Other hats worn include copy editor, content creation and coordination, campaign development, SEO writer for paid Google and Facebook ads, proofreader, writing how-to manuals, and updating wildly outdated brand guidelines.


Scroll for examples, or click on what you want to see:


Campaign Creation

Improving Copy

Short-form Copywriting

Long-form Copywriting

Campaign Creation and Email Marketing

The New WINGS Campaign

The Goal: Get travel agents excited about the New WINGS booking engine and increase registration.

The Task: Create a campaign that introduces the New WINGS and its game changing benefits through emails and social posts that will make travel agents register with Sky Bird's updated booking engine.

The Curveball: One month into launch, the pandemic happened. #stayhome

The Solution: Illustrate Sky Bird's corporate image escaping to paradise. Show travel agents working in beautiful settings to represent how good they'll feel using the New WINGS.

campaign concept - drawing - New WINGS campaign
New WINGS teaser graphic - email
New WINGS teaser graphic - social
New WINGS teaser graphic - social
campaign concept - drawing - intro to new WINGS campaign
New WINGS campaign intro graphic - email
New WINGS intro graphic - social
New WINGS intro graphic - social
New WINGS campaign collab graphic - email
New WINGS collab graphic - social
New WINGS collab graphic - social
Improving Copy

Improving WINGS Web Copy

Transforming reckless text (fueled by mechanical buzzwords, abstract targets, and inexplicable capitalization) into engaging copy that speaks to the reader like a real person.

New WINGS copy clip - before



New WINGS copy clip - before


New WINGS copy clip - after


New WINGS copy clip - before
New WINGS copy clip - before



New WINGS copy clip - before

Short-form Copywriting

Eye-catching headlines and subheaders for web banners and social posts.

The Goal: Have travel agents register with Sky Bird.

The Task: Express how teaming up with Sky Bird can solve their problems and is the path toward success.

The Curveball: Say all of this in a box no bigger than a business card.

The Solution: Identify the travel agent's goals and present Sky Bird as the best way to reach them.

sky bird promo - web banner
sky bird promo - web ad
sky bird promo - social post
sky bird promo - small web banner
sky bird promo - social post
sky bird promo - web ad
sky bird promo - web banner
sky bird promo - small web banner
sky bird promo - web banner
sky bird promo - web banner

Social Posts for Destinations Campaign

Social promos written for Sky Bird, Sky Vacations, Emirates, and Dubai Tourism Council.

The Goal: Drive traffic to the destination's landing page.

The Task: Create a captivating post that interests viewers enough to learn more (i.e. Click!).

The Curveball: "Write about this place" is the only info provided.

The Solution: Play into the characteristics that make the destination special and showcase that "This is the place your clients will love, and they will love you for sending them here."

sky bird travel promo - hawaii island hopping tours
sky bird travel promo - visit london
sky bird - emerates travel promo - visit egypt
sky bird travel promo - visit costa rica
dubai tourism  promo - bleisure travel
sky bird promo - visit brazil
sky bird travel promo - hawaii island tours
sky bird travel promo - visit london
sky bird - emerates travel promo - visit egypt
sky bird travel promo - visit costa rica
dubai tourism  promo - affordable dubai tour packages
sky bird promo - visit brazil

Long-form Copywriting and Blogs

Blogs and articles written for Sky Bird, Jaya Travel, and Travel Professional News.

The Goal: Increase engagement with and

The Task: Create blog content for and

The Curveball: The scope of further direction is "Figure it out." 

The Solution: Use entertaining and personable storytelling to connect with readers by demystifying the purpose of airline consolidators (Sky Bird - B2B) and lesser-known places to travel (Jaya Travel - B2C). 

Signs You Need a Better Airline Consolidator

We have talked a lot about how good airline consolidators are for your business, and you may have even added working with one to your travel agent toolkit. However, if you have been working with one for a while and doubt their services are helping you reach your goals, it’s time to find a better one...

Aisle or Window: Best Flight Seat

 Does it really matter which airplane seat you choose if they all fold passengers into the same cramped position for several hours? Well, as it turns out, not all aircraft seats are created equal! In this article, Jaya Travel & Tours is going to confront the longtime feud between window and aisle seats...

5 Travel Trends for 2021

Our blog, Travel Trends 2020: Industry Forecast, is the greatest example of unknowing optimism that exists in our content archives. It clarifies what we have always known: industry trends change often and, sometimes, instantly...

Why Clients Will Love Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country “untouched by tourism.” It’s emerging as a top destination for travelers who crave being part of the local culture during their trip. Since authenticity is a growing trend in both off-the-beaten-path and luxury travel, putting Bangladesh in your destination repertoire expands the...

The Philippine Wine Scene

Jaya Travel & Tours is excited to take you on a tour of the Philippine wine scene, even if you’re seated at your desk. Although the cluster of islands has a relatively low reputation for wine-making due to the climate’s rejection of grape growth, the Philippines has a variety of unique wines that reflect...

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